Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tic Toc, Clarice!

If you can name the movie that quote (the title of this entry) came from, you get a high five and my respect. On a much less/more important note, life in San Antonio continues in such a way that most would be envious of. Jess is still HOT...VERY HOT!!! Oh and so is the weather. We were one degree, just one stinkin' degree off of setting a new record high the other day. This is the first time I've ever not wanted to go outside to do something b/c it's so toasty. Sully, of course, starts panting after about 30 seconds of walking. It's so hot that Sully's rudder was even hanging low today (if you don't know what a dog's rudder is, then start at neutering and you'll figure it out pretty quick). As you marinate on that thought, I'll continue with more pressing matters.

I received my tasking letter for deployment. In the AF, a tasking letter is the paperwork that says you're going to be deployed and where you're going and when to be there. My type of tasking is known as a JET tasking. It basically means I'll be attached to an Army unit and sent to a FOB (forward operating base) somewhere. Lucky for me, there's extra trainings that go along with a JET tasking, like M16 (instead of just M9) training, and some others. I have to report to AFG on 31 Dec, so happy birthday Dad! I'm slated to be there for 6 months too so I'll miss Jess' birthday too :(

On an freakin' sweet note, Jess was moved into the second round of applications for grad school!!! Not that it's a surprise at all, but she's trying to play that whole "I didn't think I'd get to move on/I'm totally surprised" card and she sucks at it. Nobody puts magna cum laude in the corner, nobody! And we might have found a house to move into. It's stinking big and has a fenced yard for the Sully Bear. There are still a few details to work out but it's promising. Wanna hear a joke, what's brown and sticky?...a stick!

In terms of the upcoming nuptuals, we have the invitations, groomsmen shirt's are purchased, even some wedding gifts have started arriving. If anyone knows who Sheri Wood is, please let us know b/c we got a flatware set from her and her family and neither one of us can figure out who she is. Weird! The date is quickly arriving so start pulling out your boots for scootin' b/c it's gonna be a great time. Alright, back the L&O: SVU marathon on USA (they should do these more often).

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