Saturday, April 9, 2011


IIIIII'mmmmmm BAAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!! We just got back to Houston and we've picked up Sully and already hit up was delicious! Alabama certainly doesn't have mexican food (the one weekend we ate it) like Texas does, but they do have good BBQ. Thursday was one of the greatest days I've ever had. I was originally planning on surprising Jess at the airport, but couldn't contain myself and told her I'd meet her there. Getting to see her and give her the biggest hug ever was indescribable, so it will stay between us and you can just imagine some dramatic scene from a movie and multiply it by a hundred to start to get an idea of what it was like. We had the dining out Thursday night which means she got to look absolutely beautiful and I wore a monkey suit to a fancy shmancy dinner at the O club (officer's club). It was full of tradition and some laughs and was a good time. Friday was the graduation ceremony. We melted in our service blues while families and friends packed into the big red bed (the main lecture hall). Then we went and did the parade (march around a field), took the oath (again), threw our hats in the air, and said our goodbyes. Fast forward to Saturday and we finally made it home. It feels good being back. Sully did the happy dance when he saw us and took the liberty of peeing all over the floor in the process...that's my boy! Now that we're back, it's finally time to do what has been put off far too long...WEDDING PLANS!!! There are many to be made so adios!

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